Why “funky” is very best compliment you can get!

It takes a bold woman to take “funky” as a compliment. Funky isn’t about style or fashion, it’s about attitude. According to dictionaries, funky means different or strange but definitely cool, interesting and unconventionally stylish. Time to break it down and be even funkier!

How to use a traveler’s perspective to grow bolder…in your kitchen

We grow bolder when discomfort blast us out of our rut and makes us more open.  And our minds are never less comfortable and more open than when our daily routine is disrupted by travel.  Time to use this unique traveler’s perspective to bring back ideas to re-energize and reinvent regular routines – this time in our kitchens!

How to Dress Boldly & Still Look Professional

After spending two days glued to TV during a “major weather event”, it was good to see that many on-camera women have figured out how to dress boldly and professionally.  It seems we girls have developed our own version of the “power suit” that guys have long had as a go to.

How to know when it’s time to give up

Is it time to give up?   You’ve finally got some breathing room as kid-raising and career-building winds down.  Now you’re working on creating bold new direction and it’s not coming together. How to know if you’re truly giving something a fair shot or if it is time to move on.